Bible Encounter program: consider a Bible class where every students’ friendship with Jesus is nurtured — through countless connection opportunities with Him and through a growing, confident knowledge of Scripture — so that they may be challenged to make an eternal difference in our world. This is our dream for the teaching of the Bible in our Seventh-day Adventist schools.
The primary purpose of the Adventist Encounter Curriculum is for all students at every grade level to have a personal, deep, abiding relationship with God and to respond to His invitation to live out of the overflow of this relationship — to understand the truths of the Bible, to respond to Christ’s invitation to live in a lifelong vibrant relationship with Him, and be passionate about the salvation of others
Vision Statement
What Students are Saying
If you ever decide to come to our school, we will give you a warm welcome, and we are sure you will enjoy it.
Grade 3 student
We are very thankful our boys can receive a Christian education at CHCS. Having the Christian values that we instil at home reinforced at school is very important to our family.
Curtis-Horne is a place where you can feel safe and loved. It’s like a family instead of school.